Kia ora e te whānau o Te Tauihu

Are you a business owner of a small to medium enterprise? If you could get up to $5000 approved funding for professional advisory services, and it was an easy straight forward process would you apply for this funding? If you said yes to both continue reading.

Today we bring you a message from ngā whanaunga, Shanell Kelly from Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants and Challen Wilson, Director at The Sisters Consultancy – Integrated Communications. Both of their businesses are registered on the Regional Business Partners Network to provide professional services to whānau businesses. You could get expert support at no cost to you or your business by registering through the Network.

Shanell Kelly from Johnston Associates Chartered Accountants & Challen Wilson, Director at The Sisters Consultancy - Integrated Communications kōrero about the Regional Business Partners Network funding.


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