Recently Te Aka Whai Ora has commenced a strategy to work with communities throughout Aotearoa to re-design, enhance and expand the Kia Piki Te Ora Māori suicide prevention services. In Wairau and Whakatū, this work will be led by Maataa Waka Ki Te Tau Ihu.

The initial focus will be engaging with communitypartners, whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori to reflect their lived experience and aspirations for a positivesolution underpinned by te ao Māori approaches to Suicide Prevention.

Surveys for your area

The trust are asking for help with two short surveys – one for Wairau and one for Whakatū. Your ideas and views will be instrumental in guiding services for the future that meet the needs of our unique community.

The surveys will take just a few minutes to complete, and offer a chance to win a $100 prezzy card - if you get it done before 15 June.

About the Trust

Kia Manaaki ai te Iwi – ‘Let the people be cared for’ has long been the ethos of MaataaWaka Ki Te Tau Ihu. The impact of suicide on rangatahi (youth),whānau (family), and hapori (wider community) is extremely concerning. With the voice of our community, this is an area we are committed to finding a solution to create a unique preventive response.

Below you will find an outline of the mahi we are available to support.

Suicide Prevention Education

We are available to support access for anybody who you have concerns that may be suicidal, our Kia Piki Te Ora suicideprevention team can equip you with the skills and confidence to address this.

We are available to provide a face to face sessionto support your workplace, business or school to support you with identifying risk factors, warningsigns and how to approach the topic of suicide with thepeople you care about. Our next steps would be to strengthen the knowledge and confidence to respond in a compassionate, safe and effective way and identity services that are available in our community that provide people with the support they need.

If you are struggling with your mentalhealth and are unsure what supports are out there to help you, our team can provide a one-offsession to help identify your needs and point youin the right direction. Please note, this is not a crisis or counselling service.

Community Events

We recognize the benefits of raising community awareness and are often supporting community events. If you would like us to support an event you have, please let us know how we can support.

Contact details

Contact us on now 0800 Mātā Waka (6282 9252) | 03 577 9256 or email