In 1977 when Wakatū Incorporation was set up to look after the Nelson Tenths Reserves and provide benefit for its owners through dividends, much of the Reserves were unaccounted for, as was any proceeds that had been gained from selling them.

In 2017, a decision by the Supreme Court has enabled Rore Stafford, on behalf of all of the customary owners, pursue redress for the reserves, pā, urupā and cultivations which were not set aside by the Crown as per the 1845 Spain award. This has been a long process which has been led by Wakatū Incorporation and there is still a long way to go till customary owners will see any benefit coming their way.

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua have been in discussions with both Rore and Wakatū to formulate an agreement to work collaboratively to ensure that maximum benefit can be gained for the customary owners of the tenths reserves. Part of this process is ensuring all rightful customary owners are part of the picture when it comes to decision making and benefits, and we look forward to working with the other two parties to ensure this outcome.

This story is part of the September 2018 Ngāti Rārua Pānui. To review the stories in the September edition click here.