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    Reclaiming the naming of taonga plants in Te Tauihu

    An upcoming information evening is a chance for Ngāti Rārua whānau to learn more about recent wānanga and research about the naming of taonga plants in Te Tauihu.

    Meeting details

    • Thursday 08 August from 5.00–7.00pm.
    • Wakatū House, 28 Montgomery Square, Nelson (L3 Boardroom)
    • Nibbles and drinks will be provided.

    About the kaupapa

    The purpose of the information evening is to provide an overview of the process and findings of a recent wānanga series, which was convened as phase one of a new initiative, Reclaiming the Naming of Taonga Plants.

    The wānanga series followed previous research that had been completed by Wakatū which demonstrated:

    • More than 60 of our endemic plants in Te Tauihu do not yet have formal names, and many of them are under threat;
    • Scientists are naming these taonga plants without consultation with mana whenua or our input;
    • The issues around naming affect not only our taonga plants but all life forms.

    Representatives from Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Tama, Te Ātiawa, Whakarewa, Te Āwhina Marae and Wakatū attended, and confirmed their desire to form a collective group of Hapū and Iwi representatives in Te Tauihu who have an interest in naming, with mandate to progress this mahi according to a defined scope.

    We now seek to share our phase one findings across the Hapū/Iwi of Te Tauihu more broadly as we explore a collective approach to this mahi.


    You can watch videos of the wānanga series, which capture the mahi so far.

    More information

    Any whānau interested in attending can contact Pou Tohutohu Taiao Mana Sebualala:


    Richard Liddicoat

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    Reclaiming the naming of taonga plants in Te Tauihu