Opportunities - jobs, training, scholarships, representation
This page was last updated on Tuesday 4 February.
Mahi hou | Representation roles | Scholarships | Other opportunities
Kia tu katoa rā, te Mauri Ora, me te Ohaoha, me te Hononga, me te Taiao o Ngāti Rārua, a te tau 2040.
By 2040, a viable Ngāti Rārua culture, economy, society and environment.
Mahi Hou
Restoring Lowlands Coordinator – Request for Proposals
This request for proposals is offered through Kotahitanga Mō Te Taiao Alliance - a collaboration between ngā iwi o te Tauihu, councils and government agencies and The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
TNC is seeking an independent contractor to provide professional services for the KMTT Restoring Lowlands Project. This contract is for a fixed term of work, commencing on or near 26th February 2025 and concluding 31st December 2025.
This contract’s focus is on contract management, project scoping, coordination and delivery in the area of native reforestation and associated restoration activities across the KMTT area, including project sites in Buller, Tasman and Marlborough Districts and Nelson City.
The anticipated scope of work will be approximately 15-20 hours per week, for a total of approximately 790 hours over the above period. The hourly rate of compensation offered is $65 per hour (plus GST if applicable), all overheads inclusive except with additional budget available to cover travel costs across the region.
The role will report to the KMTT Programme Manager, and its work activities and deliverables will be managed by the KMTT Restoring Lowlands Project Manager.
The successful contractor can be based in Buller, Tasman, Nelson or Marlborough, with preference for a central location.
Download the Request for Proposals
Get the role description, key responsibilities and qualifications, and details of how to send proposals.
Check other Te Tauihu opportunities
Representation roles
Iwi Representative roles at Te Kaunihera o te tai o Aorere
These positions provide opportunities for iwi members to represent Te Tauihu iwi on various Tasman District Council committees and business units.
Each role allows for meaningful contributions to decision-making and governance processes while incorporating Te Ao Māori perspectives. A synopsis of each role is attached
These roles are an excellent opportunity for whānau to actively participate in shaping the future of Te Tai o Aorere through a governance lens while ensuring iwi perspectives are embedded in Council decisions.
Interested whānau are encouraged to consider these positions as a platform to bring about positive change for the community and environment.
To show your interest, please email Shane Graham
If you are interested in any of the roles, please email shane.graham@ngatirarua.iwi.nz
Key Competencies for All Roles
- Understanding and application of Mātauranga Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
- Strong communication and leadership skills.
- Decision-making objectivity and ethical conduct.
- Ability to balance advocacy for iwi interests with broader community needs.
Support Provided
- Induction to Council processes and governance training.
- Regular hui with relevant Council staff and iwi representatives.
- Ongoing mentoring and feedback sessions.
Roles Available
Strategy & Policy Committee Representative
- Primary Focus: Governance and oversight of Council’s strategy, policies, and plans.
- Remuneration: $12,840 per annum.
- Responsibilities: Policy development, monitoring performance, fostering community engagement, and promoting Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles.
Environment & Regulatory Committee Representative
- Primary Focus: Sustainable management of natural resources and regulatory oversight.
- Remuneration: $12,840 per annum.
- Responsibilities: Overseeing resource consent processes, compliance monitoring, and biodiversity initiatives.
Full Council Iwi Representative (Non-Voting Advisory Role)
- Primary Focus: Advisory participation in Council’s strategic direction and governance.
- Remuneration: $12,840 per annum.
- Responsibilities: Providing Te Ao Māori insights during debates and discussions, fostering relationships with iwi and hapū.
Operations Committee Representative
- Primary Focus: Governance of Council’s operational services and infrastructure.
- Remuneration: $12,840 per annum.
- Responsibilities: Community facility management, waste minimization, emergency management, and environmental education.
Nelson Tasman Regional Sewerage Business Unit (NTRSBU) Representative
- Primary Focus: Oversight of wastewater treatment and future community needs planning.
- Remuneration: $7,000 per annum.
- Responsibilities: Contributing to sustainable wastewater management and environmental compliance.
Nelson Tasman Regional Landfill Business Unit (NTRLBU) Representative
- Primary Focus: Governance of regional landfill facilities and waste management strategies.
- Remuneration: $7,000 per annum.
- Responsibilities: Decision-making on landfill operations and planning for sustainable waste solutions.
He Raranga Muka Data Analytics scholarships
Upto $5000 is available for tertiary students.
Marlborough Lines Tertiary Scholarship for Māori
Nau mai, e te whānau! Tonoa mai tēnei karahipi mā te Māori!
Open to all mana whenua, including Ngāi Tahu, both school leavers and adult learners can apply.
In 2024, the scholarship will be administered by Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau.
Te Rau Puawai
Te Rau Puawai aims to increase professionalism in the Māori mental health workforce. It supports Massey University students who are studying towards a qualification in this field.
Key facts
Value: Contribution to fees and travel plus learning support
Type of study: Full-time, Part-time, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters
Of note: Academic mentorship.
Ko tā Te Rau Puawai he whakawhanake i te hunga e mahi ana i te rāngai hauora hinengaro Māori. Ka tautokohia ngā tauira e whai ana i ngā tohu e hāngai ana ki te hauora hinengaro Māori.
Te Rau Puawai is one of the most successful academic support programmes in the country. Over the last 20 years it has helped more than 400 health workers into the Māori mental health workforce.
The programme is a partnership between Health Workforce NZ and Massey University. It gives bursaries and learning support to students who want to begin or complete a Massey University qualification in the areas of:
- psychology
- nursing
- rehabilitation
- social work
- social policy
- Māori health
- Māori studies
- health science.
This scholarship is open year-round and you are welcome to apply any time. Your application will be considered in the next available intake.
Tiaki Wai Fund
The Tiaki Wai Fund is like the teina to our Wai Ora Fund. Its purpose is to promote and advance Māori interests in freshwater fisheries.
Projects can be awarded up to $7,500 with applications open all year until the fund is fully allocated.
Learn more about the Tiaki Wai Fund
Other Te Tauihu opportunities
- Te Kotahi te Hoe Trust jobs page
- Te Ātiawa O Te Waka-a-Māui Trust
- Ngāti Toa job vacancies
- Ngāti Tāma job vacancies
- Ngāti Āpa ki te Rā Tō opportunities
- Rezource job advertisements
- Tasman District Council
- Nelson City Council
- Marlborough District Council
- Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough DHB
- Port Nelson
- TradeMe Nelson Tasman jobs
- TradeMe Marlborough jobs
Other opportunites
Courses at Te Pūkenga | NMIT
Find out about Te Pūkenga | NMIT courses on their website.