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    Te Pitomata health education grants now open

    Te Pitomata Grants support an inclusive workforce and encourage Māori into health and disability careers. The Grants are designed to empower eligible students of Māori descent by providing financial support for their education in health and disability services.

    Grants like Te Pitomata help to build a diverse and culturally competent workforce that reflect the communities we serve. Last year, the fund supported over 700 students with their tuition, course books, and living expenses.  

    This year the criteria has been expanded to recognise the significant role that rongoā plays in the lives of whānau allowing more students to study this vital practice. 

    How to apply

    Applications are open until 11.59pm Sunday 16 June 2024 and are accepted across a number of hauora categories. To apply for the grant, please visit: Māori Health Scholarships – Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora 

    For more information about categories and eligibility criteria, check out the GuidelinesPrivacy and FAQs

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Te Pitomata health education grants now open