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    Where people, land and stories embrace

    He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!
    What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!

    Wherever you go in the world, you’ll always be embraced as one of our own in Ngāti Rārua. We've created a selection of Ngāti Rārua stories for you to share with your family, friends and the world. These stories underpin our values.

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    Te Umu kohukohu Whetū

    Download the programme, and note the new start time of 06:00am. Tēnā rā koutou e te whanaunga o Ngāti Rārua, nau mai haere mai ki Te Umu Kohukohu o Ngāti Rārua! Please note there is now a later start time: Arrive at 05:45am for a 06:00am start.