Blenheim Wastewater Treatment Plant resource consent update
A combined mana whenua hui with partners involved in the resource consent renewal of Blenheim Wastewater Treatment Plant took place in early December.
Council leaders, including the Marlborough mayor, elected councillors and senior council kaimahi, along with BECA engineers who have been contracted to work on an options paper, met with taiao leaders and whānau from three mana whenua iwi - Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Rangitane o Wairau.
An experienced and independent kaupapa Māori engineer Troy Brockbank also attended. His role in the project is as an intermediary to help the parties involved resolve potential issues and work better together as the process moves forward plus support with the mātauranga Māori aspects of such a proposal.

Interim Pou Taiao George Stafford said the immediate goal of the hui was whakawhanaungatanga.
“It’s a chance for the engineering consultants to meet representatives of iwi, hear our concerns and to establish how we move forward together with partners.”
The willingness of all involved to not just be at the table, but to constructvely communicate and share ideas was ideal, he said.
“This is where we need to be with infrastructure developments of this scale.
“We also handed over our cultural values statements and outlined our positions on where the infrastructure is located and how we feel about discharges, as well as the outcomes we wanted from the process.
“Continuing good engagement is crucial, and we commend the council for this approach.”
“We look forward to being involved in the ongoing process”