COVID-19: Message from the CEO
Tēnā koutou e te whanau,

We’ve been working with other iwi, Te Waiora (Nelson Marlborough Health) and Civil Defence on a collaborative response for Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka-aa-Maaui.
Most importantly we are here for you. We have been talking with many of you over the last few days and would like to thank you for your calm and positive responses so far.
We’ll need to really look after each other in the coming weeks so please:
• Help each other, be kind
• Help us find any kaumātua or others in need.
• If you need assistance, contact us.
We need to stay home
This is an unsettling time whanau. Follow the advice of the authorities. Staying home will help save lives. We have to make sure we stop the spread of this virus.
What does staying at home mean?
Don't go out. This will help stop the spread of COVID-19.
You can leave your house to:
- access essential services, like buying groceries, or going to a bank or pharmacy
- go to work if you work for an essential service
- go for a walk, or exercise and enjoy nature. You can go with other people in your bubble, but stay local.
If you do leave your house, you must keep a 2 metre distance from other people at all times.
Help us help you - take the Manaaki20 survey
This survey is important and being run by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, our Whānau Ora Commissioning agency. The information you give will help ensure our whānau support gets to those who need it most.
Take the survey to tell us what help you need.
Stay updated
- Get up to date information via the website.
- We will be updating our website and facebook page regularly.
- Help each other get online.
Stay home. Stay safe. Save lives.
Shane Graham
Pouwhakahaere (CEO)