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    More good ideas at second Te Aka Tairoa wānanga

    Our second Te Aka Tairoa wānanga was held in Motueka on Sunday. Joined by whānau and tamariki we ran through our survey results so far, and explored what future communications might look like.

    There was a lot of constructive feedback and different ideas for encouraging whānau engagement through improving communications and making sure aspirations are met for the future.

    Project lead Thomas Shorrock said he was pleased with the results.

    “Whānau shared what they find useful in different situations and what they would like to see in the future, such as potentially creating a Ngāti Rārua app.”

    “We also talked about the importance of the ownership of material we create, and how relying on social media platforms like facebook carries risks as well as benefits.

    Next Steps

    Thomas says the project has a way to go yet, with some regional events to be completed.

    “The survey is open until the end of June. So there is still time to go in the draw to win one of three $150 Prezzy Cards.

    “Once the survey is closed, we’ll announce the winners, and our survey results will be collated and shared with whānau.

    “We will use this feedback together with the survey results to help give us direction and alignment with our strategic goals.”

    Richard Liddicoat

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    More good ideas at second Te Aka Tairoa wānanga