We are continuing to grow our capactiy to meet our investment objectives within our SIPO and our robust financial management policies. We are moving from a predominantly passive investment strategy to one that is more active and look forward to sharing results with our whānau. Please find below all our posts that deal with empowering us as a people.
Waitangi Day stall holders expressions of interest
Vendors are invited to secure a stall at the Whakatū, Nelson Waitangi Day event to be held on Tuesday, 6 February 2024 from 9.00am – 3.00pm.
Wave and Tai Neke, Tai Ora funding applications open
Applications for both Wave 18 and Tai Neke, Tai Ora investment streams are open now and close on Wednesday, 14 February. Q&A sessions will be held online and around Te Waipounamu.
Starting the home ownership journey with Jordy and Josh
Meet Jordy Peipi (Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu) and Josh Reece (Te Ātiawa, Rangitāne, Ngāti Rārua), a young couple from Blenheim, who started their journey towards home ownership earlier this year with the guidance of Ka Uruora Te Tauihu.
Our tari re-opens 8 January
Our offices are now closed and re-open on Monday January 8.
Free internet for whānau with school-aged children
The Ministry of Education has an initiative to provide free home internet to any household with a school-age child that doesn’t have a home internet connection.
Navigating the path to home ownership and financial freedom
Residing in Wairau, Kerri Rimene (Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tawhirikura, Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne ki Wairarapa) her partner, and their two children are making their dream of owning a home a reality through Ka Uruora.
Live stream link for Hui-ā-tau
Please use this link to joing the Hui-ā-tau.
Purongo-ā-Tau 2023
We’re delighted to present our Pūrongo-ā-Tau 2023, our annual report to March 31 2023. It contains our year in review, planned and actual activities, and audited financial accounts.
Te Taungahuru: You're invited!
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the signing of our settlement with the Crown, we are bringing whānau together from across the motu on 18-19 November for activities, whakawhanaungatanga and celebrations. You are warmly invited to attend the festivities – all we ask whānau to do is register.
'Game-changing' Te Āwhina papakāinga ready soon
Excitement is building in Motueka as Te Āwhina Marae prepares to welcome the first whānau tenants of its new 20-home papakāinga.
Nest float blessing at Cawthron Institute
New technology that will help Ngāti Rārua get hourly data on sea temperature is about to be deployed on our mussel farms.
Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū programme
This page contains important event information for whānau attending Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū on Monday 10 July.