We need to know ourselves better - our whakapapa, our history, where we live, what we can contribute, what we need and our aspirations for ourselves and us as a collective. Please find below all the posts about whakapapa.
Kiingi Tuheitia Portrait Award: How to enter for 2025
Open to all Māori artists under 35, the first prize in 2025 is $20,000.
Te Pūtahitanga Directory
The Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Directory is a resource for whānau to discover the diverse, innovative, and impactful initiatives and partners that are supporting our whānau and Te Waipounamu, Rakiura, and Rēkohu/Wharekauri.
Ngāti Rārua kākahu available now!
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our official Ngāti Rārua online clothing shop.
Kaumātua Kirihimete Koha
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua offer an annual koha to all registered kaumātua.
Ngāti Rārua Battle of the Pā 2024
Only a couple more sleeps to go and we hope you are all excited for the weekend. It’s going to be a lot of fun!
Ngā whakataetae mō Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori
To support our Rārua Whānau participation, celebration and growth of using Te Reo, we have some challenges for you!
Te Whakataetae ā-Motu mō Ngā Manu Kōrero broadcast
Our whanaunga Xanthe Banks is competing in the senior competition of Ngā Manu Kōrero, and we wish her all the best!
Hineukurangi: Māori Clay artists exhibit at Suter Gallery
Last week we welcomed a group of Māori clay artists to Te Whare Mānuka ahead of their exhibition Hineukurangi, which runs until December at the Suter Art Gallery in Nelson.
He Maimai Aroha Update
We invite whaanau around Waikato to join us as we come together on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024. Please meet us at 1:00 pm for the 2:00 pm Poowhiri around the Waharoa at Tuurangawaewae
Invitation to karakia for Kiingi Tuuheitia
We warmly invite you to join us for a special karakia in honor of Kiingi Tuuheitia at the Ngaati Raarua offices.
Battle of the Pā: Last chance to register for sports teams
Motueka teams are full and there are a few spaces left for the Wairau teams. If you want to register for Wairau, please email Sharae Sinclair as soon as possible. Registrations for sports teams will close midday Thursday.
Registrations open - Battle of the Pā!
Join us for a weekend of whakataetae, manaakitanga & whanaungatanga - it’s time to bring your skills and strengthen our connections! More information about the kaupapa will follow soon, but it’s important you register now!