Takiri mai ra ko te ata i te tonga. Ka whariki mai te manu kua ao kua awatea
He ngākau aroha e kitea i roto inga to pito o te whare
Ngā uri whaka tupu ki te maunga teitei.
E rupu mai ana e ngā hua papai
He oranga mō te iwi māori
(Nā te Kuia nā Keupe Stafford Fairest)
Kaupapa Māori Services in Wairau
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua began its journey in 1996 as a mobile Māori health provider. Today, we remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting whānau throughout the region and beyond, adapting to the ever-changing needs of our community.We are a kaupapa Māori health service committed to providing the very best care to all whānau in the Marlborough region who need our support.

64 Seymour Street, Blenheim
PO Box 1026, Blenheim 7240
Phone: 03 577-8404
Email: hauora@thonr.org