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    Te Umu kohukohu Whetū

    Please note there is now a later start time.

    Arrive at 05:45am for a 06:00am start.

    Tēnā rā koutou e te whanaunga o Ngāti Rārua, nau mai haere mai ki Te Umu Kohukohu o Ngāti Rārua!

    Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki

    Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi

    Mānawa maiea te Mātahi o te tau


    Kei hea: Hauhunga Marae (188 Wairau Bar Road, Spring Creek 7273)
    Āhea: Sunday 30 June 2024
    Wā timata: 5:30am

    This year we will be celebrating Matariki in Wairau, join us as we revitalise and re-energise for the coming year, restore mauri on our lands, farewell our departed, and gather for a kai! 

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Te Umu kohukohu Whetū