Your Matariki invitation, plus new Rūnanga roles
You're Invited
Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū Wānanga & Celebration
Tēnā koe e te whānaunga o Ngāti Rārua, ngā mihi mahana kia koe i tēnei wā, tēnā koe.
We're inviting you to a kanohi-te-kanohi, Rārua-led umu kohukohu event tied to the traditions of Matariki. It will be facilitated and guided by our whanaunga Mataia Keepa.
Our kaupapa is to revitalise and re-energise whānau for the coming year, restore mauri on our lands, farewell our departed, and bring us together in a traditional celebration of Ngāti Rāruatanga.
Our wānanga on June 12 will help prepare us – we will learn about ceremonial food for the whetū of Matariki, and gather these before the event. The celebration on 25 June will be in Rarangi, with the parakuihi to follow at Parerārua.
We want as many whānau to attend as possible, so register today - places are limited!

Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū - Matariki Wānanga
Sun 12 Jun 10:00am - 4:00pm
Parerārua, Hauhunga Marae, 188 Wairau Bar Road, Spring Creek
Facilitated and guided by our whanaunga Mataia Keepa, this wānanga will help prepare us for our Matariki event on June 25.
Note, we are keen to hear from hunter / gatherers who can help supply kai.

Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū - Matariki Celebration
Sat 25 Jun 5:00am - 8:00am
44 Rarangi Beach Road, Rarangi
Facilitated and guided by our whanaunga Mataia Keepa, this event will revitalise and re-energise whānau, restore mauri on our lands, farewell our departed, and bring us together as we begin another year.
New career opportunities
Expressions of interest invited
Kia tu katoa rā, te Mauri Ora, me te Ohaoha, me te Hononga, me te Taiao o Ngāti Rārua, a te tau 2040.
By 2040, a viable Ngāti Rārua culture, economy, society and environment.
We have several roles coming up that will help the Rūnanga to develop and grow and continue to meet the aspirations of whānau. We invite you to express your interest in these roles, or pass them on to suitable whānau who may be interested.
For each of these roles, we don't just want someone that CAN do the job, we want someone who has the DRIVE to do a GREAT job and has a passion for what our organisation and values stand for. That's why at Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, we understand that sometimes the right person doesn't ‘tick all the boxes’.
Even if you don't fit the mould exactly, but truly believe you can make a difference to our organisation, then tell us. We'd love to hear from you.
- 0.5 FTE
- Flexible/remote working arrangements will be considered
- You will implement the Ngāti Rārua Communications Strategy and will have:
- Proven experience in managing social media and delivering digital campaigns, preferably with a background in complex organisations
- Experience with the use of Facebook Business Manager, Facebook Ads Manager, social media applications. MailChimp, Canva and content management systems
- Outstanding communication across all channels
- An understanding of applications, social media trends, web platforms and emerging technologies.
- A positive and resilient attitude and a great team player
- Proven professionalism, with an appreciation of the requirements of the Privacy Act and the role it plays in the work of the Rūnanga.
- 1.0 FTE
- These are entry level positions
- You will set the tone for whānau and visitors as the first point of contact, both face to face and by phone, assist with general administration, errands etc and you will be:
- warm, engaging and down to earth
- an effective communicator
- a strong administrator
- professional, with an appreciation of the requirements of the Privacy Act and the role it plays in the work of the Rūnanga.
- 0.5 FTE
- You will provide professional administration, coordination and secretariat support to the Pou Ārahi (Operations Manager) and will have:
- Outstanding communication skills
- Demonstrated high level and proactive organisational and time management skills, including the ability to set priorities and complete tasks to deadline
- Experience in coordinating projects and events
- Demonstrated ability to work autonomously and in a team
- Proficiency with relevant applications including the Microsoft Office suite
- Proven professionalism, with an appreciation of the requirements of the Privacy Act and the role it plays in the work of the Rūnanga.
- 0.75 FTE
- You will work with the Pou Hononga and other Pou Hapori to provide a range of supports, services and connections for members of the Rūnanga and will have:
- Passion for working alongside whānau, hapū and marae
- Proven experience in networking with Ngāti Rārua whānau
- Demonstrated ability to work autonomously and in a team
- Proficiency with relevant applications including the Microsoft Office suite
- Proven professionalism, with an appreciation of the requirements of the Privacy Act and the role it plays in the work of the Rūnanga.
- 0.75 FTE
- You will work as part of a team to assist whānau to register with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua and will have:
- A well-developed interest in the whakapapa and history of Ngāti Rārua
- Proven experience in networking with Ngāti Rārua whānau
- Demonstrated ability to work autonomously and in a team
- Proficiency with relevant applications including the Microsoft Office suite
- Proven professionalism, with an appreciation of the requirements of the Privacy Act and the role it plays in the work of the Rūnanga.